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Trade Data
Turkish exports and imports of electrical commodities: 2008-2013





Information about the data

The following data visualization was prepared by the Brazil-based Igarapé Institute, in cooperation with TET, a non-profit organization working on foreign trade in Turkey. The data features more than 75,000 data points on exports and imports of electronic products. The data visualization features 4 categories of transferred goods - so-called "white goods" (major household appliances), "electronics" (durable consumer goods), "electrical products and distribution" (motors and generators), and "cables" (various types). The source of the underlying data is the Turkish Ministry of Customs and Trade, together with the Ministry of Economics.

The trade globe is based on another project developed by the Igarapé Institute and the Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO). The Mapping Arms Data (MAD) tool was launched in 2013 and features exports and imports of arms data around the world between 1992-2012. The tool was originally developed in collaboration with Google's Creative Lab and Google Ideas for a 2012 INFO summit. For more information on either data visualization, please write to contact@igarape.org.br.